Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning everybody...firstly please we be grateful to Alloh SWT, who give us health and fresh body, so until today we can meet here in this special event.
Today, i’ll talk about botheredhood fellow Muslim. Guys, "From Yahya bin Bukhair, from Al-lais al uqail bin sihab, actually salman had told Abdullah bin Umar RA said, Muhammad SAW said: a fellow Muslim is a brother to other Muslims, not molesting her and will not be persecuted others. And whoever the lavatory express his brother, then Allah will deliver his business. And those who paved the distress of fellow Muslims, then Allah will clear the distress in the Day of Resurrection, and whoever that covered the nakedness of a Muslim Allah will cover it on the Day of Resurrection.” 
           Above hadith clearly talk about a Muslim that his brother under any circumstances, be supported. Well he was in a state of suppressed or not, this is the privilege of the teachings of Islam.
           In another hadith it is stated that the relationship between the believer to another believer is like a building complementary, the building will not stand if one component is missing or damaged, it illustrates how pharmaceutics relations among Muslims.
           That's one of the advantages to be possessed by the believers in related among the believers, Muslims otherwise call the shots his people to unite and help each other, because the brotherhood in faith more closely than blood brotherhood, that will into the base of the Muslims, every believer to feel the pain of his brother and reached out for help before being asked.
           Such circumstances has been exemplified by the believers in the leadership of Muhammad SAW. With the companions migrated to Medina, this city is, of brotherhood between Muslims look more real, Medina residents welcome the arrival of the muhajirin with joy, exceeding welcome to blood or family ties. All the needs and interests of the muhajirin, ranging from shelter, food, and various other needs of the residents of Medina received compensation, it is not surprising if the population gets the title of the Ansar Medina, which is the helper and defender in the broadest sense, without expecting any reward.
According to M Quraish Shihab, based on the verses that are in the Qur'an, there are at least four different forms of fraternity, namely:
1. Ukhuah ubudiyah, the brother submision to God.
2. Ukhuah Insaniyyah or Basyariyyah in the sense that all mankind are brothers because it comes from a father and mother, Muhammad also emphasized through a hadist.
3. Ukhuwah Wathaniyah wa al-lineage, the descendants of the brotherhood and nationhood.
4. Ukhuan Fi ad-din al-Islam, brotherhood among fellow Muslims,
Okay, ladies and gentleman,
One of the things we can do to connect fraternity are gathering
Gathering means to connect kinship, it is because the connecting relationship effects the sustenance which is the food of life in the world. In addition, people who always connects ties will lengthen his age, in the sense that will be remembered always.
           According to al-Faqih Abu Layth Samarqandi, there are ten advantages relationship, namely:
1). Obtaining Ridha Allah
2). Making other people happy
3). Culprit causing favored by angels
4). Muslims bring him praise
5). Angered the devil
6). lengthen Age
7). Adding a blessing  sustenance
8). Make glad the relatives who have died, because they enjoy their grandchildren always stay in touch
9). Foster a sense of affection among family which raised the spirit of mutual help when hunger
10). Increase the reward after death culprit, because he will always be remembered, and given pray for his kindness.
Ladies ant gentleman, it’s our time to take a conclusion.
           One sign of the perfection of the faith of a believer is to love his brother as he loves himself. It was realized in daily life by trying to help and feel the happiness and distress of his brother in the faith which is based on a firm belief in Allah SWT.
          Okay everybody, that’s all everybody, I’ll be very happy if it be useful for all. Thanks for your attention.

          Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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